Entrepreneurship in Food Processing / Agro Business
Subhiksha Keralam is an initiative of Government of Kerala for achieving self sufficiency in food production. As part of the same, Department of Industries and Commerce envisages to promote entrepreneurship in agro food processing industry / agro business.
Accordingly Kerala Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (KIED) under Department of Industries and Commerce is offering various training sessions and programs for developing entrepreneurship in agro business area.
As an initial step, a series of online sessions for creating awareness about various entrepreneurship opportunities in the agro food processing / value added products is being organized. The opportunities will be presented in sessions of 1.5 to 2 hours duration each day and will be handled by major research institutions / experts in the field. The details of the program and the schedule will be published in the website and will be informed to the registered participants.
Interested entrepreneurs can register for the program based on their preferred area(s) like
- Tuber Crops
- Fruits & Vegetables
- Spices
- Milk, Meat & Egg
- Honey & Mushroom
- Plantation
- Rice
- Fish
- Jack fruit, Banana & Pineapple
For offline registration please call 0484-2532890,2550322,9605542061,9562619918